What We Do

Programs we offer


"The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six." - Maria Montessori

Welcome to Countryside Montessori, a place where your child’s early years are nurtured and celebrated! We take great pride in offering an authentic Montessori program tailored specifically for toddlers aged 12 to 18 months. Our warm and inviting environment is designed to support your little one as they embark on their journey of discovery, growth, and independence.

At Countryside Montessori, we understand the importance of supporting your child’s fundamental needs during this crucial stage of development. Our dedicated teachers are passionate about helping your child navigate their new world, and grow with trust, independence, and self-control. We believe in providing a loving and safe space where your toddler can flourish, both socially and academically.

Every detail of our classroom is thoughtfully arranged to capture your child’s imagination. From inviting materials to organized spaces, our beautiful environment sparks curiosity and encourages your little one to explore, create, and interact with others. We believe in the power of order amidst the natural chaos of toddlerhood, giving your child a sense of purpose and coordination that builds a solid foundation for future learning.

At Countryside Montessori, we cherish the uniqueness of each child and celebrate their individuality. Our nonjudgmental approach creates an environment where freedom and boundaries harmoniously coexist. Your toddler will have the freedom to make choices, learn from their experiences, and develop self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities. We know how important it is for you to feel that your child is appreciated and safe, and our caring teachers are always nearby to offer comfort, solace, and reassurance.

In the spirit of Maria Montessori’s wisdom, we firmly believe that children thrive when given the chance to accomplish tasks on their own. We embrace this philosophy and encourage your child’s independence, empowering them to conquer challenges and celebrate their achievements. With our dedicated support, your little one will develop a strong sense of self-reliance and a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

Our program is designed to meet the unique needs of toddlers, who are naturally curious and eager to explore the world around them. Through hands-on activities, engaging music and songs, group time, and personal care routines, your child will be fully immersed in a rich and stimulating learning experience. Even amidst the delightful distractions that come with this age, your toddler will remain engaged and focused, developing valuable skills such as patience, self-control, and respect for their peers.

We understand that toilet training is one of the important milestones during this stage of development. Rest assured, our experienced teachers will seamlessly incorporate this practice into your child’s personal care routine, offering gentle guidance and support. As your little one gains independence and confidence in this area, they will also develop important life skills such as self-control and self-assurance.

At Countryside Montessori, we believe that learning extends beyond the classroom walls. Our toddlers have ample opportunities to explore and discover the wonders of the natural world. Outdoor experiences are integrated into our everyday curriculum, allowing your child to make observations, engage with nature, and cultivate a deep connection with the environment. We want to instill in your child a lifelong love for nature and an appreciation for the beauty that surrounds them.

When you choose Countryside Montessori for your child’s early education, you are not just selecting a school, but becoming a part of a close-knit community. We welcome you and your family with open arms, providing a supportive network of educators and like-minded parents who share your aspirations for your child’s future. Together, we will lay the foundation for your child’s lifelong love of learning, ensuring that their early years are filled with joy, discovery, and friendship.

We invite you to schedule a visit to Countryside Montessori and experience firsthand the love, warmth, and genuine care that define our school. Come and join our family, where your child’s journey begins with boundless possibilities and endless opportunities for growth.

Toddlers II

"The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences." - Maria Montessori

At Countryside Montessori, we understand that the toddler years, from 18 to 36 months, are a time of incredible growth and discovery for your child. Our authentic Montessori Toddler II program is designed to provide a nurturing and enriching environment where your little one can thrive.

In our Toddler II program, we focus on supporting children as they navigate the fundamental aspects of their development, such as separation, trust, independence, and self-control. We believe in fostering a sense of security and self-esteem, creating a safe space where your child can explore, learn, and grow at their own pace.

Our beautifully prepared classroom is thoughtfully designed to meet the unique needs of toddlers. It is a place where order is created out of chaos, allowing children to develop a sense of harmony and purpose in their surroundings. With carefully selected materials and a structured curriculum, we provide opportunities for your child to engage in purposeful activities that promote concentration, coordination, and social interaction.

At Countryside Montessori, we believe in the power of freedom within limits. In our Toddler II program, children learn to strike a balance between independence and boundaries in a consistent, nonjudgmental environment. Our caring and experienced teachers are always nearby to offer support, guidance, and reassurance, ensuring that your child feels valued and secure.

Maria Montessori once said, “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” In our toddler program, we embrace this philosophy by allowing children to take ownership of their learning. Through hands-on activities, music and songs, group time, and daily responsibilities, your child will develop valuable life skills, patience, self-control, and respect for their peers.

Language development is a key focus during the toddler years, and we provide a rich environment that encourages verbal and nonverbal communication. As your child’s vocabulary expands, we gradually decrease the use of gestures and physical communication, nurturing their growing language abilities and promoting meaningful conversations and requests for assistance.

Toilet training is a significant milestone for toddlers, and our teachers are trained to support your child through this process with patience and understanding. We recognize that each child is unique, and we respect their readiness and pace when it comes to this developmental step. By integrating toilet training naturally into their personal care routines, we help toddlers gain independence, self-control, and self-assurance in their abilities.

Through regular encounters in our classroom and outdoor activities, we aim to awaken all of your child’s senses and increase their awareness of the world around them. Nature is incorporated into our everyday curriculum, providing opportunities for observation, exploration, and discovery. We believe that connecting with the natural environment enhances your child’s learning experience and fosters a deeper connection with the world.

Choosing Countryside Montessori for your child’s toddler years means providing them with a nurturing, stimulating, and authentic Montessori education. Our dedicated teachers and carefully crafted program will inspire your child’s love for learning, while fostering their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. We invite you to join our warm and supportive community, where your child can truly thrive.


Early Childhood

"Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment." - Maria Montessori

Welcome to Countryside Montessori School, where our Early Childhood program is dedicated to nurturing and supporting children aged 3-6 years as they embark on their educational journey. We believe in fostering the fundamental human functions of separation, self-control, trust, and independence, providing a strong foundation for their development.

Our beautifully organized and prepared classroom setting is designed to ignite your child’s natural instincts to create order out of chaos, move with purpose and coordination, and engage with others. With a focus on individualized learning experiences, we follow Maria Montessori’s philosophy that education should be joyful and spontaneous, catering to each child’s unique needs and interests.

In our Early Childhood class, we offer a structured curriculum that encompasses various areas of learning, including language arts, mathematics, practical life skills, sensory awareness activities, and culture. Our approach is like a learning laboratory, where children master simpler tasks before moving on to more complex ones, ensuring a solid foundation for future academic success.

Through hands-on activities and the use of educational tools, your child will develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive abilities. Our daily living tasks promote order, concentration, coordination, and independence, nurturing skills that are essential for reading, writing, and other scholastic endeavors. By engaging in purposeful actions, children learn manners, graciousness, poise, and self-control, fostering social maturity and a positive sense of self.

Sensory awareness exercises play a crucial role in our curriculum, enhancing muscular coordination and developing a keen sense of observation. Children learn to discern textures, colors, and dimensions, while activities focused on matching, sorting, and distinguishing differences lay the cognitive groundwork for further learning. We believe in empowering children to work independently through organized materials, allowing them to stretch their abilities and build confidence. Our language arts curriculum encourages vocabulary development, conversational skills, and a genuine love for reading comprehension and writing.

Mathematics at Countryside Montessori is a journey of discovery and logical thinking. Children delight in counting and develop a practical understanding of arithmetic facts and concepts. By using manipulatives and engaging in hands-on experiences, they develop a personal understanding of mathematical principles. Our math resources emphasize the process rather than the end result, encouraging a deep comprehension of mathematical theory.

Art and music play an integral role in our Early Childhood program. Through a variety of materials and experiences, children are encouraged to explore their creativity and express their individuality. They discover the world of arts and crafts, while also exploring music from different cultures and genres. Daily physical education classes further enhance their gross motor skills, promoting activities such as running, jumping, and purposeful movement.

In our nurturing environment, children interact with their peers in both the classroom and outdoor settings. Through play and daily activities, they develop their senses and gain a heightened awareness of their surroundings. Our spacious grassy areas and playgrounds provide ample opportunities for social interactions and the development of vital social skills.

At Countryside Montessori, we understand the power of repetition and the importance of observation in the learning process. Each repetition offers new insights, strengthens physical and mental muscles, and deepens concentration, paving the way for automatic learning.

Choosing Countryside Montessori for your child’s early childhood education means providing them with a warm and enriching environment where they can explore, learn, and grow. Our dedicated teachers and comprehensive program ensure that your child receives the support and guidance they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Join our welcoming community and witness the wonders of Montessori education firsthand.